Thursday 11 September 2014

My perception about this Language project

My perception about this language project is it very good for us to know and learn about english language. for this project we can know something new about english that we don't know. Also we can share this project with other people.

           This project can approach to language and mind very well. My motivation for taking claim seriously is that it does not make use of categories of concepts - language is public and has structure. it it can be shown that the structural features of language constitute the way the world is perceived by us, this would contrast with the long and distinguished search for the conditions of human perception. The project's method will be conceptual analysis. The result of the project will be published as a monograph.

Ainur Shafiqa

The best ways to learn English

There several ways we can improve our use of the English language to communicate with others. Among such as surfing the internet, go to the English class, trying to speak with foreign tourists and others. We can improve that way we speak and even to strengthen the bond between each other and can also add new contacts. Easily best ways to learn English is try to go the vacation like England or else. One of the best and fastest ways to become more fluent in your target language is to go to a country or region where it is spoken. This ensures that you are hitting all of your language-learning foundations: speaking, listening, reading and writing. The longer you can stay, the better, but simply being there isn't enough on its own. Once you are there, speak in that language exclusively. Though English is widely spoken in many foreign countries, resist the urge to speak it in your travels. Who’s know after that your language will better than before.
         Secondly, most people learn a second language because they desire to be able to hold basic conversations in that language. Building good conversational fluency requires practicing both speaking and listening. Seek out a conversation partner who is a native speaker of your target language. A language-exchange program will link you with those who are also trying to learn English. One of the benefits of language exchange is that your partner can correct your pronunciation and grammar as you speak, and you will also get used to hearing how the language is spoken by a native speaker. Check your local library listings for language groups, or place an ad on Craigslist seeking conversation partners. That’s can be our relationship with our partner become a good friends.
          In addition to make our best ways language, brush up on your listening and reading skills by exposing yourself to a wide array of media in your target language. Seek out musicians who sing in the language you are learning, or tune into a radio or news station in that language. Read newspapers, magazines or short stories. Watch films or television programs. Download foreign language podcasts to your handphone. It can help us to interact with other people from media like skype, video call and else. We can ask for their help to improve our language and can get the new information for our language.
           We must confidence when we are interact with them. One of the problem that many encounter on their language-learning journey is that they lack confidence. According to Anne Merritt, a lecturer on the subject of English as a foreign language in Korea, people are often so worried about making mistakes when trying to speak the foreign language that they hold back and censor themselves, creating a sense of anxiety common to many second-language learners. She suggests that mastering a language is dramatically improve by a willingness to make mistakes and to even appear foolish at times.
        For those with little time and money, the Internet offers a free and rich source of English study. A motivated student can start at one of the many sites that teach the basics of the language and interactively test language knowledge. He can continue onto an explosion of American media in the form of text, media, sound clips and video files that dominate the web. For interactive practice, he can join text, audio or video chat rooms to talk with native speakers. Check Resources for a directory of learning sites. As with any course of independent study, learning alone may not provide enough motivation to continue. Setting the same time each day for Internet can prevent this problem by turning the language into a habit. Committing to a chat group that gathers at the same time each week forces the student to regularly prepare for the meeting.
            A cheaper and more convenient way is to take classes at a local college, community center or language school. The teacher can interactively correct English use and adjust instruction. The presence of other students allows spontaneous, if not always correct, dialogues. Because the learner is exposed to the language only a few hours a week, her progress will be much slower than in an immersion program. Check Resources for a list of language schools sorted by country. A student can increase her abilities by using English-language resources outside school. To develop listening skills, she can rent American DVDs, watch British comedies on television and listen to English newscast on the radio. She can improve reading by buying American magazines that are available in the bookstores of large cities. She can also practice speaking by hanging out at tourist sites, bars and shops where English-speakers are likely to congregate.
           Beside that, we can find class tuition for only a subject English. It can teach us how to talk  with other people not only in Malay but speaking English too. Even it taking more time for our tuition, it is a challenge for us to improve our language and can get a new words every time we learn it. Example like many ex-student take a tuition class for only subject English after SPM to spent time their holiday. So, your can spent your time with a great activities like go to class tuition not waste your time such as hanging at the mall without anything that you can do it.
          Your can go to karaoke at the mall to improve your language in singing too. Maybe it is a funny ideas but not fault if we try to improve our language in singing. We can try to sing the singer that we like such as Taylor Swift, Magic, One Direction and else. We can learn and on the same time we can enjoy it. Not all people want to sing in English because they think singing in English is difficult to say it. So, we must think positive and try to do something that’s new in your life like speaking or singing with other people.
           Lastly,  we can try to find new words everyday if we found the word that we didn’t know the meaning. We can find it at internet and translate the word into a Malay and also write at a small book. The small book can be a dictionary for us if we see the word again at the difference situation. Even it is see like a child, it is not wrong if we want to success we can start it from nothing and try to get a something knowledge that can help us to be successful person.
             I hope your can use the best ways to learn English in my ways to improve your language. Even it is simple ways, but it is meaning for me to get a something new from my life. Try it a something meaning for your life to improve your interact with other people.

My Superhero

My parents are my superheroes is because they raised me up and allowed me to grow. They provided me my basic needs. They taught me good vibes  for my educated and my social life. They taught me everything in life. I think they raised me up pretty well. I show that to them by being hard working at school and being responsible.
Another reason why they are my superheroes because , they support everything that I did .They helped me  to effort on my studies .They helped me on that stuff, lesson that I didn't understand or a math problem that I couldn't solve. They have been very protective too because they always ask me what I did in school every day, or how  the people around me. I think this is good because I know they are concerned about me.
Lastly, my parents are my superheroes because I know they will always love me and care for me. I know they will still treat me the same way no matter what happens .I would never do bad things because I know they taught me whether the  good things and bad thing in our life. Like I said, they always taught me what is right from wrong. Because of this, I will always love them. I will always be respectful and kind to them no matter what.

My parents raised me up to be what I am today. I believe that I got mostly everything that I have now from them. They have been very supportive in everything that I have done and about my future. I am thankful to God ! :)
Movie Review
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Cast: Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Director: Christopher Nolan
Synopsis: Christian Bale stars as both the classic caped crusader and his billionaire alter-ego, Bruce Wayne. In this third installment of Christopher Nolan’s Batman films, Bruce Wayne no longer feels that the City of Gotham needs a hero and goes on a secluded hiatus. However, when a new villain, Bane (Tom Hardy), threatens Gotham City, Wayne dons his cape and mask once more.  


         Christopher Nolan brings yet another adrenaline-filled, comic-inspired movie to the big screen.  We see all sorts of familiar faces this time around, but the audience is introduced to a few new characters as well. When crisis threatens Gotham City, Bruce Wayne jumps back into the Batmobile to fight crime. Batman is joined on his quest by an eager orphaned cop (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), a seductive cat burglar (Anne Hathaway), and a violent masked villain (Tom Hardy).This film served as great entertainment with its colorful cast and numerous plot twists. Nolan used actors that had either appeared in previous Batmanfilms or in his blockbuster hit Inception, and all of them shone in their respective roles: Tom Hardy was almost unrecognizable in his Bane costume, while Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Marion Cotillard were both excellent—and obviously comfortable with Nolan’s directing style and the film’s dramatic tone.  

           The one actor that gave this reviewer pause was Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle. She has  historically been typecast as the girl next door, so it was a shock to watch her steal and fight her way through the City of Gotham. After a few scenes, however, we were convinced that the casting decisions was a good one, as Hathaway portrayed the darker Catwoman role brilliantly. True to Nolan’s style, at 164 minutes, this film is fairly long. There were a few times when the movie felt a bit drawn out, but the gorgeous action scenes and impressive dialogue really held the audience’s attention and kept them on the edge of their seats. However, the timeline was a bit unclear at times. For a number of scenes, it was hard to tell whether it had been days or months or years that had passed since the last time a given character had been on screen.

              The following is a little research I could do about the story on the topic. most of the film has a different storyline but the lessons of the story can be an example to our lives. Therefore, we studied the story should not only interest but need to understand the story and the ending of the story. Lastly, this Batman story has many lessons that we can emulate. although it has a broad range of action, but the story is very interesting and can be used as an icon for us to succeed.


If I were a millionaire

              Millionaire is one word that is often spoken of by all the community. Oh! How wonderful it would be if I were ever to get a million rupees and what, yes, what would I do with it. Just let me think and make out my plans for, one never knows when Lady Luck comes and knocks at my door and I am found napping. So let me put on my thinking cap and start, yes start.         
           If I were a millionaire, would life have to change for me? Would I spend it all on myself and my family. But, how would I do that, I already have all that I want for a comfortable and happy living, how and what would I add? Could then I be in a position to help others in need, with that money, as, with a million to spare, I could render a lot of help to several people in need. That is the mid point would I spare it or take it as if it was my earning and cling to it as, we all cling to hard earned money for it was to be in reality my earning, the earning of my luck, if not my hard work. However, in better moments I’d think I manage to fulfill all my needs with the normal income what can I do with an extra amount of money, and that also so much of it. I know that the desires of man are unlimited and unending. No matter how much we have, we can never feel satiated. But God is great and He has given me the satisfaction in as much as I have, and this money I would definitely like to spend for the benefit of others. 

            I would spend all this money as my contribution towards man’s basic needs. A storehouse of knowledge would be constructed in the shape of a public library, at the doors of which, poor people would get educated. This education may not be in the form of formal kind but this education would help in making the poor, moral and self reliant. This library would have books which, besides knowledge, would also give the readers insight into their behaviors. I would also start for the poor only some vocational centre where they would be taught skills by virtue of which, they would, at a later stage be able to earn a livelihood.

    The plight of the poor sick in our country is absolutely heart rending. I would like to ensure treatment of the urban poor in good, well established hospitals. This would be financed by me for at least a few patients. In today’s fast moving and uncaring society I feel that the old people have a very sad and dejected life. Old age homes for the poor old would also find a place of priority in my list of services I would like to render. The plight of the old makes my heart cry and I wish I can do something for them. If I ever get a big amount of money to spare, establishing old age homes would find place in my list of services. So, if I were to become a millionaire these items would remain in top priority of expenditure. Why I chose these areas of service – the cause is not far to seek – these are the areas that have remained untouched by any one safe and they are the greatest sufferers in today.

          Lastly, I am concerned, I feel, I may take a short holiday with my family, and that is all I will spend on myself, as, the rest of it all, I’ve got it all. I would love to be, of some little use to someone else, some of my less lucky, brethren. So, if I ever become a millionaire I would spend all the money on my comrades for, I genuinely believe they have a share in all that God gives me.   

Robert Kuok Hock Nien is one of the first Malaysian millionaire who has money up to RM 46.1 million in the bank


Argumentative writing

Should Smoking be Banned in Public Places?

Arguments For

The number one advantage is that a ban will not only help in saving smokers from various kinds of health conditions and diseases, but also reduce the damages caused by passive smoking. Whether the smoker is using public transport or is in a restaurant, the people around him are bound to inhale the smoke coming out of his cigarette, thus making them prone to all the diseases an active smoker gets. Thus, if smoking is banned, spread of these diseases can be checked. Moreover, asthma and ear infections are commonly seen in children who live around smokers. So, a ban makes these public places safer for children and teens, health-wise.

Another argument is that it will put pressure on the smoker to quit. Since he will be unable to smoke in public places, he will learn how to live without it for long hours. Moreover, when he does not see anybody around him smoking or smelling of cigarette, it might reduce his urge to smoke as well. Thus, one of the major advantages of a ban is that it induces the notion to quit smoking.
One of the facts is that smoking in public spaces influences non-smokers, especially adolescents, to take it up as well. Since teens are in an impressionable age, when they see people around them smoking, they get instigated to try it. Hence, it becomes a habit, increasing the incidence of teen smoking.

Looking from the economic point of view, since smoking is a major contributing factor to many diseases, it leads to absenteeism from work. Moreover, employees tend to take breaks now and then to smoke, thus lowering the number of hours they put in their work. So, if employers want to increase work productivity and ensure that their employees remain healthy, they should ban smoking in and around office premises.

Another factor to be taken in account is the environmental point of view. Smoking cigarettes adds to air pollution. So if it's banned, it will help save the environment from further deterioration.

Arguments Against

Smoking is an individual's personal choice. If the government forces people to quit smoking, it is encroaching on individual freedom.

Secondly, banning smoking is actually a financial loss for the government, as it collects a lot of revenue through the taxes on cigarette sales.

Another argument is that it is human tendency to do exactly those things which are forbidden. So, if smoking is banned in public places, adults and teens are more likely to smoke and find their own means to evade this law, to continue with the habit.

From the economic point of view, restaurant, pub, and cafe owners will not be able to cater to everyone. This will reduce their sales, thus causing them losses. Places where smoking is banned might see a reduction in tourist arrivals as well.

Lastly, when smokers who are habitual and addicted, may experience smoking withdrawal symptoms, such as irritability, anger, etc, if they cannot smoke immediately. Thus, in this condition and under stress, they might pose a problem to others.

In spite of the above arguments against the ban, looking at the harmful effects of smoking, a ban would be beneficial for the environment as well as mankind. However, for such a ban to be useful, the key lies in implementing it so effectively, that the cons or arguments against the ban are sufficiently nullified.


Recipe for health

Good Recipe For Health In Our Life

Who doesn't wish for more energy and health at least a few times a day? Of course, you know that a good night's sleep, regular exercise, and effective stress management . "Our bodies rely on the energy and nutrients we get from food, so what you eat—and how and when you eat it—can either drain you or sustain you," says Jennifer Sacheck, PhD, associate professor of nutrition at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University.

Vegetarian meals are very good for the body system and simple vegetarian recipes are very easy to find. For person that  just decide to join group of healthy eaters, then you do not have to look too hard to find plenty of fun and nutritious vegetarian recipes.

Actually, when you think about it, you do not need to have a recipe to cook a vegan meal; the general rule is that you eliminate meat and especially red meat from your diet. That in mind, it should not be that difficult to come up with meals that you and your family will enjoy. It is so easy to come up with simple vegetarian recipes.

There are many simple vegetarian recipes that one can cook in their homes for the entire family to enjoy. This article is dedicated toward giving you five simple vegetarian recipes that will have you preparing your meals quickly and enjoying them with your loved ones and in no time at all.

how to make recipe for our health in Cooking :

Add a little oil onto a pan or food  and let it heat up. This simple vegetarian recipe is best when it           is served hot
This simple vegetarian recipe is very easy to make and does not a lot of time or energy to prepare.         Add the potato and the vegetable into your cooking . Use low heat while you are cooking and               simmer the mixture for about 10 minutes or until all the vegetables are tender.
This simple vegetarian recipe is served hot and immediately.
Cook for a few minutes of additional cooking. This simple vegetarian recipe is very filling and can         be served as a main dish.


Wednesday 10 September 2014

Persuasive Writing

  Why we should not compare ourselves with others 

Nowadays, in our culture a lot of people compare ourselves with other. There are many reason to change this way of thinking and not begin compare ourselves and others. This is the way it should be, and in this project I will discuss some of the most important reason for this.

                Firstly, to avoid comparing yourself with others is that you must always avoid someone who are always better than you. It’s doesn’t matter in which aspect, but it is always true. Therefore, you could feel inferior to others and maybe without a reason.

                Secondly, the reason to exclude this kind of comparison is that you will always find someone who worse than you, but as apposed to the first reason, this can make you feel more better than others. And this feeling can turn into a horrible pride to someone.

                Next, the third reason to stop comparing ourselves is that the one who compares him or herself with others is judging, and this doesn’t help us develop as human beings. Nobody knows the internal reality of each other. Nobody knows his or her story and his or her most deep intentions, and when we judge each other it’s hard to accept each others.

                After that, the last but not least is the most important reason to avoid comparing ourselves with others is that when we do, we can be tempted to copy them, to do the same things and to act and think like them. The problem is that if we copy someone, we will never know who we really are and what we really want and then we will never grow spiritually.

                For all these reasons and because we are unique, we should not compare ourselves with others, but only with ourselves. The only comparison pattern that we really have is our consciousness. So, if we use this pattern we will not feel less or more than others. We will not try to make others look bad. We will not judge so much and we will accept ourselves as we really are. In other words, we will live happier and always happy with ourselves without compare ourselves with other people.

Ainur Shafiqa

Vocabulary Buliding

Affixes and roots
Adding affixes to existing words (the base or root) to form new words is common in academic English. Prefixes are added to the front of the base (like right arrow dislike), whereas suffixes are added to the end of the base (active right arrow activate). Prefixes usually do not change the class of the base word, but suffixes usually do change the class of the word.
The most common prefixes used to form new verbs in academic English are: re-, dis-, over-, un-, mis-, out-. The most common suffixes are: -ise, -en, -ate, -(i)fy. By far the most common affix in academic English is -ise.
e.g. prefix + verb right arrow verb
again or back
restructure, revisit, reappear, rebuild, refinance
reverses the meaning of the verb
disappear, disallow, disarm, disconnect, discontinue
too much
overbook, oversleep, overwork
reverses the meaning of the verb
unbend, uncouple, unfasten
badly or wrongly
mislead, misinform, misidentify
more or better than others
outperform, outbid
make or cause
befriend, belittle
co-exist, co-operate, co-own
do the opposite of
devalue, deselect
earlier, before
foreclose, foresee
interact, intermix, interface
pre-expose, prejudge, pretest
subcontract, subdivide
across, over
transform, transcribe, transplant
not enough
underfund, undersell, undervalue, underdevelop

e.g. Suffix used to form verbs with the meaning "cause to be".
stabilise, characterise, symbolise, visualise, specialise
differentiate, liquidate, pollinate, duplicate, fabricate
classify, exemplify, simplify, justify
awaken, fasten, shorten, moisten

The most common prefixes used to form new nouns in academic English are: co- and sub-. The most common suffixes are: -tion, -ity-er, -ness, -ism, -ment, -ant, -ship, -age, -ery. By far the most common noun affix in academic English is -tion.
e.g. prefix + noun right arrow noun
anticlimax, antidote, antithesis
autobiography, automobile
bilingualism, biculturalism, bi-metalism
co-founder, co-owner, co-descendant
counter-argument, counter-example, counter-proposal
the converse of
discomfort, dislike
ex-chairman, ex-hunter
hyperinflation, hypersurface
the converse of
inattention, incoherence, incompatibility
interaction, inter-change, interference
malfunction, maltreatment, malnutrition
misconduct, misdeed, mismanagement
mini-publication, mini-theory
monosyllable, monograph, monogamy
neo-colonialism, neo-impressionism
re-organisation, re-assessment, re-examination
semicircle, semi-darkness
subset, subdivision
more than, above
superset, superimposition, superpowers
over and above
below, too little
underpayment, under-development, undergraduate

e.g. Suffix added to a verb (V), noun (N) or adjective (A) right arrow noun
action/instance of V-ing
alteration, demonstration
expansion, inclusion, admission
person who V-s
something used for V-ing
advertiser, driver
computer, silencer
action/instance of V-ing
development, punishment, unemployment
person who V-s
assistant, consultant
action/result of V
breakage, wastage, package
action/result of V
denial, proposal, refusal, dismissal
action/result of V
preference, dependence, interference
attendance, acceptance, endurance
action/instance of V-ing
place of V-ing
bribery, robbery, misery
refinery, bakery

person concerned with N
astronomer, geographer
doctrine of N
Marxism, Maoism, Thatcherism
state of being N
friendship, citizenship, leadership
collection of N
baggage, plumage 

state or quality of being A
ability, similarity, responsibility, curiosity
state or quality of being A
darkness, preparedness, consciousness
state or quality of being A
urgency, efficiency, frequency

Many adjectives are formed from a base of a different class with a suffix (e.g. -less, -ous). Adjectives can also be formed from other adjectives, especially by the negative prefixes (un-, in- and non-).
The most common suffixes are -al, -ent, -ive, -ous, -ful, -less.
e.g. Suffix added to verbs or nouns right arrow adjective
central, political, national, optional, professional
different, dependent, excellent
attractive, effective, imaginative, repetitive
continuous, dangerous, famous
beautiful, peaceful, careful
endless, homeless, careless, thoughtless
drinkable, countable, avoidable,

e.g. negative + adjective right arrow adjective
unfortunate, uncomfortable, unjust
immature, impatient, improbable, inconvenient, irreplaceable, illegal
non-fiction, non-political, non-neutral
disloyal, dissimilar, dishonest

e.g. base with both prefix and suffix
Adjectives: uncomfortable, unavoidable, unimaginative, inactive, semi-circular
Nouns: disappointment, misinformation, reformulation

Word formation
Formal written English uses nouns more than verbs. For example, judgement rather than judge, development rather than develop, admiration rather than admire.
There appeared to be evidence of differential treatment of children.
This is reflected in our admiration for people who have made something of their lives, sometimes against great odds, and in our somewhat disappointed judgment of those who merely drift through life.
All airfields in the country would be nationalised, and the government would continue with the development of new aircraft as recommended by the Brabazon Committee.
Associated with nominalisation is the occurrence of prepositional phrases, introduced by of:
judgment of those
treatment of children
development of new aircraft
-tion is the most common suffix used in this way. For example: alteration, resignation.
However others are: -ity ability, similarity, complexity; -ness blindness, darkness, preparedness; -ment development, encouragement; -ship friendship; -age mileage; -ery robbery, bribery; -al arrival; -ance assistance, resemblance.

Aliff Dzukhi


Descriptive Writing

It’s  cold. Very cold. And I am a snowman without a scarf. I stand very still. Excitement twists with apprehension and fills my heart. Before me, the glossy green grass stretches itself over the dirt, as if it’s ready to sun-bake. My knuckles, as white as snow, grip desperately to the huge wicker basket in which I stand. If I look up, the glorious glow of the burner stretches it’s neck into the round opening of the giant balloon. It’s bloated with air, the rainbow stripes strained at the seams. Slowly, the basket lifts off the ground. My breathing rushes to catch itself as we float high above Yarra Valley.

The balloon hesitantly glides up the cloud ladder. My feet, once unsteadly, find their place in this new found environment. The burner continues to roar in my ears, and I lift my fingertips from the smooth, icy basket and sweap them through this thin air. As I draw patterns, I suddenly notice how high I am. I’m soaring, flying, gossiping with the clouds. That’s when I know, that I love it up here.

When I gaze down at the world below, I am struck with it’s perfection. There are sheep in paddocks, like tiny grains of rice left on a bright green plate. And i’d never realised before how many shades of green the world could be. It seems like without fences, the fields would all bleed together in one big mess of green food dye. When I twist my head, I see perfectly pointed mountains. Mist floods between them, racing to be the first one to jump into the steady stream of water that bows down at the mountains’ feet. Nobody can touch or taint this perfect landscape. The wide open spaces, the natural monuments. Being in the air, in this giant balloon, is the place I love.

As we continue to soar, the balloon bobs, and I draw in shallow, gasping breaths. It feels like trying to push a square through a triangle. And when I stare down, reality slaps me in the face. We are just paper planes on a huge paper planet. This earth is so fragile – a perfect paradise. There is not a loose thread in this seam, not one single spec of dirt on these white tiles. Everything is pristine from up here. But this sets my mind spinning. This flawless view is just a metaphor for outward appereances. For I know that life is full of mixed emotion. Not only laughter and happiness, but pain and drama too.

But I push these intruding thoughts away. This is my heaven – nothing can ruin that. So instead  I concentrate on the roaring of the burner and the chirp of early birds in my ears. I taste the icy air, and feel the smooth wicker entwined into a basket beneath my fingertips. I smell the intoxicating gas, and sweep my eyes across endless blue skies and wide green fields. Being up this high makes me feel dreamy and delightful, and I realize that this world is full of possibility.

All too soon, we have to land. We drop gradually, as if a puppeteer has taken hold of our strings, and lives. My body may be falling from the clouds, but my heart stays up there with it’s new found love. And then THUMP! I hit the ground, and real life hits me. I am no longer a bird in my perfect paradise. I am now just another paper plane in this world.

Ainur Shafiqa