Thursday 11 September 2014

The best ways to learn English

There several ways we can improve our use of the English language to communicate with others. Among such as surfing the internet, go to the English class, trying to speak with foreign tourists and others. We can improve that way we speak and even to strengthen the bond between each other and can also add new contacts. Easily best ways to learn English is try to go the vacation like England or else. One of the best and fastest ways to become more fluent in your target language is to go to a country or region where it is spoken. This ensures that you are hitting all of your language-learning foundations: speaking, listening, reading and writing. The longer you can stay, the better, but simply being there isn't enough on its own. Once you are there, speak in that language exclusively. Though English is widely spoken in many foreign countries, resist the urge to speak it in your travels. Who’s know after that your language will better than before.
         Secondly, most people learn a second language because they desire to be able to hold basic conversations in that language. Building good conversational fluency requires practicing both speaking and listening. Seek out a conversation partner who is a native speaker of your target language. A language-exchange program will link you with those who are also trying to learn English. One of the benefits of language exchange is that your partner can correct your pronunciation and grammar as you speak, and you will also get used to hearing how the language is spoken by a native speaker. Check your local library listings for language groups, or place an ad on Craigslist seeking conversation partners. That’s can be our relationship with our partner become a good friends.
          In addition to make our best ways language, brush up on your listening and reading skills by exposing yourself to a wide array of media in your target language. Seek out musicians who sing in the language you are learning, or tune into a radio or news station in that language. Read newspapers, magazines or short stories. Watch films or television programs. Download foreign language podcasts to your handphone. It can help us to interact with other people from media like skype, video call and else. We can ask for their help to improve our language and can get the new information for our language.
           We must confidence when we are interact with them. One of the problem that many encounter on their language-learning journey is that they lack confidence. According to Anne Merritt, a lecturer on the subject of English as a foreign language in Korea, people are often so worried about making mistakes when trying to speak the foreign language that they hold back and censor themselves, creating a sense of anxiety common to many second-language learners. She suggests that mastering a language is dramatically improve by a willingness to make mistakes and to even appear foolish at times.
        For those with little time and money, the Internet offers a free and rich source of English study. A motivated student can start at one of the many sites that teach the basics of the language and interactively test language knowledge. He can continue onto an explosion of American media in the form of text, media, sound clips and video files that dominate the web. For interactive practice, he can join text, audio or video chat rooms to talk with native speakers. Check Resources for a directory of learning sites. As with any course of independent study, learning alone may not provide enough motivation to continue. Setting the same time each day for Internet can prevent this problem by turning the language into a habit. Committing to a chat group that gathers at the same time each week forces the student to regularly prepare for the meeting.
            A cheaper and more convenient way is to take classes at a local college, community center or language school. The teacher can interactively correct English use and adjust instruction. The presence of other students allows spontaneous, if not always correct, dialogues. Because the learner is exposed to the language only a few hours a week, her progress will be much slower than in an immersion program. Check Resources for a list of language schools sorted by country. A student can increase her abilities by using English-language resources outside school. To develop listening skills, she can rent American DVDs, watch British comedies on television and listen to English newscast on the radio. She can improve reading by buying American magazines that are available in the bookstores of large cities. She can also practice speaking by hanging out at tourist sites, bars and shops where English-speakers are likely to congregate.
           Beside that, we can find class tuition for only a subject English. It can teach us how to talk  with other people not only in Malay but speaking English too. Even it taking more time for our tuition, it is a challenge for us to improve our language and can get a new words every time we learn it. Example like many ex-student take a tuition class for only subject English after SPM to spent time their holiday. So, your can spent your time with a great activities like go to class tuition not waste your time such as hanging at the mall without anything that you can do it.
          Your can go to karaoke at the mall to improve your language in singing too. Maybe it is a funny ideas but not fault if we try to improve our language in singing. We can try to sing the singer that we like such as Taylor Swift, Magic, One Direction and else. We can learn and on the same time we can enjoy it. Not all people want to sing in English because they think singing in English is difficult to say it. So, we must think positive and try to do something that’s new in your life like speaking or singing with other people.
           Lastly,  we can try to find new words everyday if we found the word that we didn’t know the meaning. We can find it at internet and translate the word into a Malay and also write at a small book. The small book can be a dictionary for us if we see the word again at the difference situation. Even it is see like a child, it is not wrong if we want to success we can start it from nothing and try to get a something knowledge that can help us to be successful person.
             I hope your can use the best ways to learn English in my ways to improve your language. Even it is simple ways, but it is meaning for me to get a something new from my life. Try it a something meaning for your life to improve your interact with other people.

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